From William Marshall to Horace Darwin 30 January [1874]

Jan 30th.

8. Spa Buildings

Dear Bounder

I can not come up to town or to see you next week much as I should like it. I went up for two days a fortnight ago on the spur of the moment, so now I shall not be able to get away I fear till Easter or possibly after.

I am sincerely glad you have passed through the Tripos I suppose I shall see where you are tomorrow, but after all that matters very little, no one who knows you will take yr. place as a measure of yr. ability, and nobody else will know yr. place.

I shall always say I took a double honour degree when I wish to impress people, or perhaps use the expression senior [optime] to ladies who have a general idea [that] means older & best.

However I am glad you are settled to go to Erith, I am convinced that no external circumstance is of so much importance to ones happiness as having a fair amount of work to do of a sort that suits one with a long holiday in the summer.  I will write to you again in a day or two and send notes on Seria Apiformis.

I had a nice note from Bradshaw the other day, from whom I learnt you were in for this exam; of wh. I was ignorant when I wrote last.

I am rapidly becoming a cynic under the influence of election placards- –-and the talk of the builders &c who come to the office on public matters; the better class say they're not going to [vote] as if the idea was insulting to their understanding

Some say Mr. Gardner always has his hand in his pocket for local charities & such like & altogether spends more money in the town. Others say Gardner tried very hard last time & it seems only fair he should have his turn, this last is I think the favorite view; but I have not as yet heard a single political reason brought forward as having anything to do with the matter

yrs. very truly | W.C.M

Please cite as “FL-1481,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,