From Emma Darwin to Horace Darwin [before 27 November 1872]



My dear Horace—

I am very glad you are going on so comf. Are you as m. charmed with Mr A. Butler as Wm is? You never told us what sort of torture you have in the way of water-cure   We have had the Litches & Lenny on Sat, very jolly. Poor old George came down on Tuesday very unwell. He is better today & is going up with Bessy who is going to stay 3 or 4 days at Kew— What weather it has been. I have hardly been out of the house for a week. It must have stood in the way of your walks— Malvern is always dry under foot however—

We hear very bad accounts of poor Aunt Jessie. She is quite unable to take any food, so that we may hear of her death any day. While you are at home you will have to wear crape round your hat, but it will not signify any where else. F. has been but poorly these 3 days— Lenny has to go thro’ another examination & has to get up at 7 every mg. for frilling. The verandah is pretty well fixed & is to enquire about an architext to make it & put it up at once. It is awful to think of. Peggy is taken up & being exercised. Being starved wd be more to the purpose as her hind quarters are such a size as never was seen before. I fancy Shamrock has heard that we were thinking of parting with him, as he has been going quite well ever since he was shod. What a nice place Fairchilds is. I was quite surprized at coming to it in that dismal country. Mrs Daniell is very nice but she is a trifle too sweet & elegant for my taste. I found Mr Daniell pleasant & Sybil looks decidedly nice. I think in summer when she rides we may see something of her & Mr Bradshaw. They were decidedly friendly. It was awful going up & down the hills but the distance is nothing.

Goodbye my dear old man. | E.D.

Frank has been to Pant. for a few days. He was so well that he cd not say that is necessary, but his Dr advised a change so he went.

Please cite as “FL-1503,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 11 May 2024,