From A. T. Myers to Horace Darwin [July 1873]

Brandon House | Cheltenham

Sat. morning

Dear Bounder

I have just ascertained how other peoples plans here are going and I find they will want me to stay here till Oct 16   I suppose that you will be up at Cambridge by that time so that it will be too late for me to have a chance of seeing you at home which I am very sorry for. If that is so I shall write to Prothero & try and get him to take me for a couple of nights & come to Camb. Oct 18   that wd. still leave me a week I could spend out of Camb. during term if I stayed up till Dec. 16. I am doing 6 or 7 hrs work a day here & nothing particular happens except that new people come for a short time to play croquet & perhaps offer a new suggestion as to how to play the second stroke, so it is rather dull & I want a day or two’s pleasure before I come to Camb. I am afraid I cant get you or F.D or Gerald or the old one or anyone in fact to come to Eton, can I? But I shall probably be all the keener to go again

Send a line | yrs. ever A.T.M

Please cite as “FL-1537,” in Ɛpsilon: The Darwin Family Letters Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,