From Charles Darwin to William Kemp   24 [April 1843]

Down | Bromley | Kent


Dear Sir

I am glad you are willing to follow my advice about deferring your account till the plants have been ascertained.— I return the copy of the Paper you sent me.— I am sorry to say I have not yet heard from Mr. R. Brown & I fear my letter has miscarried or perhaps he waits till I see him in town: I will not fail to write if he has anything particular to observe.—

I have heard from Prof. Lindley, who says one of the seeds is certainly a Polygonum & the other probably a Chenopodium: he anticipates they will turn out common species— He has had seeds carefully planted & will communicate the results to me if they germinate.—

I hope you will carefully dry some of your specimens in their flowering & seeding state.

Yours very faithfully | C. Darwin

Please cite as “KEMP22,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,