From Thomas Walker to William Kemp   2 November 1843


Nov. 3d. 1843

Dear Sir

Many thanks for your excellent collection of specimens which we have safely received. They will be of great value to us in our excursions among the hills. You have put yourself to some expense besides all your trouble for which I know you will readily credit me until until I see you.

I am sorry that we have no prospect of enjoying your company in any of our rambles for some time to come. We will live in hope however believing that you embrace the earliest opportunity of paying us a visit. I was going to have sent you our paper of today but it contains almost nothing with the exception of discussions which you do not value. I do not remember anything worth writing— I may tell you that I have had a most laborious fore end of a week with County and Clerical kickups, having lost nearly two nights sleep— Last night after getting through the battle I felt quite exhausted   However I am pretty well today only a slight head ache. I have a good deal of time for Geologizing and other recreations in the end of the week but it sometimes happens that I have to pay for it in the beginning. No idleness in this world dear Sir for you and I and perhaps it is good for us.It is our very life to have an aim ever before us and obstacles to overcome—

When are you going to favour me with an article? What has been discovered in regard to your plants by the great men in the south.

Could you say in a few words in your next letter what are the certain marks of Glacier Morains? I am convinced that some of the valleys here are rich in these formations especially the great vale leading from Cupar toward Kinross along the North side of the Lomonds. I came across the country last week from Glasgow by the way of Lanark to Edinburgh— After entering the extensive moor through which the road passes between Carnwath and Currie I was very much struck with-miles of country finely even curiously undulated by these appearances. By looking at the map would you expect to find them in that locality? Carnwath is about five miles from Lanark at where the Edinburgh and Peebles roads separate. Shortly after passing this village we enter the district of what I regarded as the morains.

I see from your last you are still making discoveries. Why is it that you allow a set of these dabblers to caricature the Geology of that interesting district the County of Roxburgh? You must put a stop to this and set about it yourself. It is all nonesense—but begin. Write it in scraps at your leisure— The Matter will will swell upon you. And you will accomplish it sooner than you anticipate. If I could assist you in the slightest degree in any shape whatever I would be most happy to do so. I am quite in earnest. You must make up your mind and begin—

I am almost ashamed to talk about coming to see you now I have talked about it so long—I will look in upon you some day when you are not expecting me, so you had better look after your bottle in time. I am still unchained by Father Mathews pledge. We must try and arrange for a day among the mountains. You will be much the better of breathing at a distance from the water pipes and the Gasholder. Do you know that the World is going to be lighted immediately with Electricity! Hoping you and your family are all well with our best respects to Minny, I remain, Dear Sir | Yours Affectionately | Thomas Walker

Please cite as “KEMP37,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,