From Charles Darwin to William Kemp   [9 November 1843]

Down. Bromley Kent


Dear Sir

Allow me to express my respect at the pleasant tone of your last letter, after what would have been to me, in your case a considerable mortification. Since writing to you, I have been reflecting on Prof. Lindleys opinion on the seed, before it was planted—& I think, after all, a pretty good case may be made out, fairly stating every circumstance   With your permission I will draw up a short statement with as little theory as possible and will send it you for your approval.

Would you please return me Mr Babington’s letter, then I may quote it.— I suppose you did not actually mark the spot, where you sowed each seed in the pot—but I presume you knew very nearly where each seed lay.—

In Haste, | Yours faithfully, | C. Darwin

P.S. | You will perceive, whe⁠⟨⁠n⁠⟩⁠⁠ you read my abstractof your several documents, how Prof. Lindleys opinion on the seeds is valuable evidence.

Please cite as “KEMP40,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,