From Charles Darwin to William Kemp   7 December [1843]


Dec. 7th.—

Dear Sir

I have the pleasure to inform you that to day I have sent your paper to the Annals with the particulars last sent added.— I hope you do not think, that I have been needlessly scrupulous,— I have had no motive but adding to the value of your discovery & establishing an interesting fact. I am sorry you thought it adviseable to send me a testimonial of yourself—Your correspondence & pursuits rendered that quite superfluous.

Yours faithfully | with best wishes | C. Darwin

[Addressed to] Mr. W. Kemp | Gas Works | Galashiels | Scotland

[[Postmarked: ‘7 DE 7 | 1843’ with One Penny Brown stamp affixed.]]

Please cite as “KEMP46,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,