From Thomas Walker to William Kemp   20 January 1844


Jan 20th. | 1844

Dear Sir

We have just had a burning at the Gasworks here which set our drums and bells and all our people in motion. There was a terrific blaze but nothing was injured further than some Tar barrels on the Tar Cistern being burnt out. A number of those assembled, would not go near the place, believing that if the fire came in contact with the Gas in any way whatever there would be a dreadful explosion that would blow the crowd into & thousand pieces. Others of the wiser sort in the Town ran home and threw off their Gas that in case of an explosion their houses might not be blown up.

I would thank you to tell your opinion about these things by return of post or as soon as you can as I would like in next paper to advert to these foolish imaginations and would like to have some ground to go upon— Do you remember anything of the explosion at Dundee some years ago? Several people threw it in my teeth when laughing at their timidity.

I spent a day in Durie Den with Hugh Miller since I saw, which I enjoyed very much. We made no discoveries worth mentioning—only a scale or two of considerable size.

I have been very complaining for the most part of this week, and have been very hard wrought. For the last two days I have been more than the half of the time in bed.

The pen is frequently a very laborious instrument— I hope you got the paper I sent you— You will agree with me on Free Trade—

Hoping you are all well, with best respects to Minny and all your family | I am Dear Sir | Yours faithfully | Thos. Walker

I may tell you that on Wednesday fortnight we had a daughter added to our family.

Please cite as “KEMP51,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,