From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   6 July 1847


July 6/47.

Dear Sir,

I am much obliged by your measurements of the intermediate Eildon Terraces. It strikes my mind as exceedingly remarkable that the one at 617 feet corresponds to a foot with the corrected estimate of the superior beach at Peebles, and that that at 662 comes very near to several traces of ancient sea-margins in America. These Eildon terraces now consequently appear to me to open a fruitful line of enquiry, such as in its results may make no small impression in the geological world, and form really a curious addition to our knowledge of the history of the earth. I therefore would ask if it be at all within your power or inclinations to go once more over the measurement of these terraces, so as to arrive at the most accurate conclusions which may be attainable in the case. It certainly would involve some labour; but I feel as if it would not be labour in vain, and you may be assured that your services in making out the point will not be overlooked in the history of any discovery of a general cause which may be made, if I shall have any say in the matter.

Pray let me hear from you as soon as possible, as at present I am full of curiosity on the subject.

I must see ere long to get a couple of days for the Selkirkshire terraces; in which case we may have a little more pleasant rambling together.

very faithfully yours, | R. Chambers.

Please cite as “KEMP67,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,