From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   1 August 1847

St Andrews, Fife,

August 1, 1847.

Dear Sir,

I am much gratified to learn that you have taken the trouble to go once more over the Eildon measurements. It is highly satisfactory to find that those taken before stand so true. I must endeavour to have a day or two ere long upon Tweedside to examine these terraces. Meanwhile—if you can excuse a request that may appear unreasonable—pray let me have a copy of the new measurements, for it will be instructive to know the range of variation to which a measurer is liable in such cases. Meanwhile you will be glad to know that I have just discovered an example of the 463-feet beach in Fife—also an example of that at 545—and am about to examine one of the Lomond hills on account of some appearances as of terraces which struck me in lately passing it on a coach.

I remain, | dear sir, | very sincerely yours, | R. Chambers.

Please cite as “KEMP69,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,