From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   20 May 1840

Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh,

May 20, 1840.

Dear Sir,

The bearer, Mr Thomas Smibert, is a friend and literary assistant of my brother’s and mine. Finding myself as yet unable to get for a day or two into the country, and as Mr Smibert was going for a few days to the neighbourhood of Galashiels for his health, I have given him this note to you, and furnished him with your late letter and map respecting the raised beaches of your district, that he may personally inspect them,, and, if satisfied of the truth of the theory, write an account of them for the Journal, a duty which he is well qualified to perform, being generally acquainted with geology and other sciences. If you can find it convenient to show these terraces to Mr Smibert, it will greatly facilitate the business and much oblige, | dear sir, | yours very truly, | R. Chambers.

[Addressed:] To Mr William Kemp, | Galashiels.

Please cite as “KEMP7,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,