From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   28 September 1847

Drumnadrochit Inn, | Loch Ness,

Sep. 28/47

Dear Sir,

It is but the simplest duty, as I am sure it is a great pleasure, for me to take the earliest opportunity of informing you that the terraces of Glenroy, which I have just measured, coincide with yours on the Tweed, fulfilling that sublime view of the uniformity of such markings in our island which I have lately had presented to me. The lowest Glenroy shelf—heretofore set down at 972 feet,—is exactly 877. The other shelves all fall into the Eildon order. It entirely settles the question about Glenroy—I am only sorry to think, contrary to the late ingenious and painstaking paper of my friend Mr Milne. By and by I shall give you particulars, indeed I must take an early opportunity of examining your terraces. I hope we shall have a day together before days get too short. Meanwhile it must be gratifying to you to learn that your facts have such remarkable support, and that your investigations have led to what I believe must be regarded as one of the most interesting discoveries of the last ten years in geology.

Believe me, | dear Sir, | very sincerely yours, | R. Chambers.

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