From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   16 October 1847

1 Doune Terrace, Edin:

October 16/47

Dear Sir,

I am happy to tell you that I have at length been able to set aside a day for the reviewal of the Eildon terraces. Unless prevented by some unforeseen accident, I shall be in Galashiels on Monday evening, with the design of spending the daylight of Tuesday in this business. If you can accompany me without inconvenience, I shall esteem your doing so a great favour. We shall have a carriage to attend on us. On the ensuing day I shall make an effort to see the Yarrow terraces, amongst which I think we should find some measurements further confirming the marine theory of Glenroy.

I am, | dear Sir, | yours very faithfully, | R. Chambers.

Please cite as “KEMP71,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,