From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   18 February 1848


Feb. 18/48.

Dear Sir,

Being now about to put into the printers’ hands that portion of my book on the terraces which embraces the Tweedside markings, I am anxious that you should give the subject a last revision, and for this purpose I enclose your table with some remarks which you may take into consideration.

There are so many appearances of a universal conformity that I entertain little doubt of it, but still there are some difficulties chiefly owing to uncertainty of levels. I fear I shall have to let the subject go forth in a much less defined and settled state than I could wish, having already spent too much time upon it.

If you have got any more levels—for instance, Deuchar?—pray be so good as send them. And you will much favour me by returning this table with your remarks in addition to mine—also the sketch of the part of the Eildons which I once had before.

I remain, | dear Sir, | yours very sincerely, | R. Chambers.

There is no hurry for a week or ten days, or even more.

Please cite as “KEMP79,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,