From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   14 March 1848


March 14/48

Dear Sir,

I return many thanks for the trouble you have taken with the beach-lines near Galashiels. It is very satisfactory to have them thus re-measured from an ascertained datum with so much care. And certainly they do come wonderfully near to the elevations of the Lochaber terraces. The other day in Allendale, Northumberland, I found a grand detrital terrace at 760, the height of the similar mass on Middleton Moor—and a fine line 68 feet higher, which must be the co-relative of our terrace at 831 (which, however, I still fear is somewhat too great a height for it).

Then, in Weardale, county of Durham, I found an ancient burn delta at 1073, being two feet below a terrace found in Lochaber and in Lanarkshire.

I shall endeavour some day soon to re-visit Galashiels, just to take a look of these markings on the adjacent hills, that I may have the more confidence in speaking of them.

I should think it is the Royal Society of Arts to which you have communicated your facts regarding a saving in gas-manufacture. I am a member of the Royal Society, the scientific society of Edinburgh, but not of the one devoted to Arts, which I suspect is the more useful body of the two, though not the one of most dignity. It is a pity you could not attend when your communication was read.

Are you keeping in mind the Deuchar terraces?

Very faithfully yours, | R. Chambers.

Please cite as “KEMP81,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,