From Robert Chambers to William Kemp   [before 4 June 1840]

Dear Sir,

This note will be conveyed to you by Lady Scott Douglas, as her ladyship passes through Galashiels on her way to Springwood Park. Lady Douglas has heard of the Galashiels Terraces, and is anxious to see a little of them, if it can be done without much personal exertion, for which she is not competent. Perhaps, if this finds you at a leisure hour, you might oblige her ladyship and me by using it in pointing out the situations of some of the terraces. I may mention that Lady Douglas has read the papers in the Scotsman, and your late letter to me.

But for an accidental circumstance, you should have this week had a visit from Mr Thomas Smibert, our literary co-adjutor, to whom I have deputed the business of visiting and describing the terraces, in consequence of my being so much engaged at home as to be unable conveniently to get away. Mr S. will be with you some day very soon.

I remain, | dear sir, | very faithfully yours, | R. Chambers.

[Addressed to:] Mr William Kemp, | Gas-Works, | Galashiels.

Lady S D can only remain | Mrs Maxwells Inn an hour | 12. o’clock [pencil]

Please cite as “KEMP9,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,