From William Kemp to George Murray   18 October 1848

Galashiels Gas Works

18 Octr. —1848—


The enclosed will inform you that the R.S.S A will likely bestow a small Medal upon me for the improvement aluded to. I have had a note from the Secretary today wishing to know if I still find the saving effected to hold good what I originally stated it to be. The fact is, I would disdain to accept of any acknowledgment for a pretended improvement of little, or no benefit.

But so very different is the fact with us that we are but now reaping the full benifit of the process. Two years ago I got 9 Clay retorts built in with a Brick-layer from Berwick. The plan was bad, and had I not adopted the method in question our expense for coal would have been great. I have lately got the flues altered of these old retorts leading to the happiest results. Six Retorts will now generate as much gas in 24 hours as nine dit before. We work off our charges full 40 minutes sooner than ever we were able to do before. At the same time we use no furnace Coal.

I can scarcely expect to be favoured with a short certificate from you, you have not had time, neither has it yet been the season for trial.

I am | Sir | Yours Most | Respectfully | William Kemp

P.S. Please return the enclosed.

Mr George Murray | Melrose

Please cite as “KEMP92,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,