From William Stevenson to William Kemp   18 November 1851


19th. Nov. 1851

Mr. Wm. Kemp | Galashiels

My Dear Sir,

1 am favored with your very kind letter of the 4th. current. Many thanks for your wishes for my welfare.— I have now I think had sufficient experience of a batchelor’s life.— I have long felt the want of those kindly sympathies which alone can make ones place of abode worthy of the name of home. Truly it is not good for man that he should be alone.— Let him employ himself as he may, there is still something wanting to complete his happiness. When fatigued with bodily or mental labor, he then requires the soothing & refreshing influence of the domestic affections to act as balm to his troubled spirit. Such is the law of Nature, of God, and if Man neglects to avail himself of its kind & wise provisions, he suffers the penalty in that unhappiness and irritability with which the “singly blessed” (?) are in almost all cases afflicted & which tends to wear out life far more rapidly than all the cares and responsibilities of a married life.—

I am getting on with the preparation of my lecture. The subject is “the Geological History of the South Eastern districts of Scotland”. I think I shall have no difficulty in keeping the time appointed (24th. Feby. as I see by a Syllabus sent me by the council).—

I am glad to observe that you had such a pleasant & instructive ramble up the Ettrick   Many thanks for the copy of the Border Advertiser which you sent containing an account of the same   I have had two field days within the last four weeks in order to complete my survey of the coasts of East Lothian & Berwickshire.— I have now completed my examination of the whole from Bamburgh to ⁠⟨⁠ ⁠⟩⁠ Aberlady.— The map which I have been constructing shews a great many curious features.—

I am much engrossed at present with business & with the necessary preparations for my marriage which I think will take place within two or three weeks.

Hoping to hear from you soon and with kindest regards & best wishes for the welfare of yourself and Family | I Remain | My Dear Sir | Yours Ever Sincerely | Wm. Stevenson

P.S. You must really try & visit us after I have changed my condition. At all events I hope Miss Kemp will do us the honor to visit us ⁠⟨⁠[rest of line excised]⁠⟩⁠

Please cite as “KEMP96,” in Ɛpsilon: The William Kemp Collection accessed on 27 July 2024,