Faraday to Benjamin Abbott   12 July 1815

R.I. July 12th. 1815

Dear Ben

Tis only for the purpose of answering yours therefore repine not that I have begun so far from the top[.] It is my intention to decline letter writing with you untill I have received the important paper of which you have spoken and then I shall do all I can in return for it[.]

Looking over my portfolio the other evening I found that I had left a few letters on lectures lecturers lecture rooms & lecturing unfinished[.] I shall take an opportunity of closing that account by a full sheet but at the same time beg you will not wait for it but proceed immediately to work according to our late plan[.]

I am sorry that it will not be possible for me or my brother to join in your proposed jaunt but for Sunday I am engaged and Robert also begs to be excused since he must pay his respects to his new father & mother[.] He says still further that from his present connection he has no opportunities on any Sundays and you must suppose that a man just married & just entering business ought to have none on week days[.]

Tho there are no articles to adjust yet I suppose that does not preclude the possibility of seeing you[.] Other things however do for Friday & Saturday since I am engaged on these days after 4 o’clk and even tomorrow if I see you I have no rooms of my own to take you into but I need not have mentioned that since there is no ceremony between you & Your Friend | M. Faraday

Please cite as “Faraday0053,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday0053