Marc Isambard Brunel to Faraday   15 September 1823

Dear Sir

We have been in readiness to connect the Forcing Pumps to our apparatus and I expected that today we should have tried every thing once before calling you to Chelsea; but my son having been taken very ill, I am quite stopped for want of his assistance and must wait for a few days and shall give you notice in time1.

I am dear Sir | Yours very truly | M.I. Brunel

Monday evening 15th Sept | 23

Address: Faraday | Royal Institution | Albemarle Street

This refers to the attempt by Brunel, aided by his son, to gain useful and practical mechanical effect from the liquefaction of gases. See “Experiments with Carbonic Acid Gas”, in Brunel (1870), 42-5. See also Clements (1970), 77-8 and Rolt (1957), 41-2.


BRUNEL, Isambard (1870): The Life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Civil Engineer, London.

CLEMENTS, Paul (1970): Marc Isambard Brunel, London.

ROLT, Lionel Thomas Caswall (1957): Isambard Kingdom Brunel, London.

Please cite as “Faraday0208,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 2 May 2024,