John Franklin1 to Faraday   7 July 18302

My dear Sir

I know this to be the time of most leisure with you. I hope therefore you will give Lady Franklin3 & me the pleasure of your company at dinner on Friday Inst 9th at seven.

Ever most truly | John Franklin

55 Devonshire St | Portland Place | Wednesday 7th July.

Endorsed by Faraday: 12 Saturday | Letter on Friday | No. 20 | or Judiciall Rear

Address: M. Farraday Esq | Royal Institution

John Franklin (1786–1847, ODNB). Arctic explorer.
Dated on the basis that Faraday to Franklin, 10 July 1830, letter 455, volume 1, was the reply.
Jane Franklin, née Griffin (1792–1875, ODNB). Married John Franklin in 1828.

Please cite as “Faraday0454a,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 21 September 2024,