Francis Legatt Chantrey to Faraday   19 January 1836

Belgrave Place | 19th Jan 1836

Dear Faraday

Stokes informs me you want my large specimen of silicified wood & that you will send a coach for it1. You are heartily welcome to it, or any thing else, but nothing less than a cart can carry it. I think it weighs about half a Ton & is abt 7 or 8 ft long - shall I send it to you? & when?

Truly Yours | F. Chantrey

Address: M. Faraday Esq | Royal Institution | Sackville [sic] St

See Lit.Gaz., 30 January 1836, p.72, for an account of Faraday's Friday Evening Discourse of 22 January 1836 on "Silicified plants and fossils" in which he used specimens from the collections of Chantrey and Stokes. See also letter 791.

Please cite as “Faraday0874,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 21 September 2024,