Faraday to Edward Magrath   30 July 1836

Mr. Turtles1 | Pier Street | Ryde | Isle of Wight | Sat. Evng | 30 July 1836

Dear Magrath

Here we are after some twists and turns and yet I doubt whether we shall stop here more than a week. In a fortnight from this time I intend being at home again. My health is excellent my knee as I suppose it will be for a few months or perhaps more. It limits my motions too much and I fear that it will increase my tendency to follow your example i.e. to grow fat[.] Who would have thought 20 years ago, or a little earlier in Dorset Street2 of ever seeing you & I in the form of a couple of little fat paunchy men.

I have had a letter from my nephew James Faraday3 about the Athenaeum Gas lighting4[.] Few things would please me more than to help my brother5 in his business - or than to know that had got the Athenaeum work, but I am exceedingly jealous of myself lest I should endeavour to have that done for him as my brother which the Committee might not like to do for him as a tradesman, and it is this which makes me very shy of saying a word about the matter. If he had the business I believe he would do it well[.]

EverMy dear Magrath | Yours | M. Faraday

Address: Edwd Magrath Esq | &c &c &c | Athenaeum | London

Charles Turtle, dyer of 44 Pier Street, Ryde. 1848 POD.
That is at the City Philosophical Society.
James Faraday (1817-1875, GRO). Gas engineer.
See Ward (1926), 51.
Robert Faraday (1788-1846, GRO). Gas engineer.


WARD, Humphry (1926): History of The Athenaeum 1824-1925, London.

Please cite as “Faraday0931,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday0931