Faraday to Charles Babbage   3 June 1839

R Institution | 3 June 1839

My dear Babbage

I send Index title1 & series XV2 which I hope you will accept[.]

I have so planned also with some enamils [sic] soon to be over near you that I asked for a card & really think if you were to take a few moments to see them you would be pleased[.]

Ever yours | M. Faraday

Of Faraday (1839b) which Faraday had already sent. See letter 1172.
Faraday (1839a), ERE15.


FARADAY, Michael (1839a): “Experimental Researches in Electricity. - Fifteenth Series. Notice of the character and direction of the electric force of the Gymnotus”, Phil. Trans., 129: 1-12.

FARADAY, Michael (1839b): Experimental Researches in Electricity, London.

Please cite as “Faraday1177,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 14 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday1177