William Wyon to Faraday   15 March 1841

Her Majestys Mint | 15th March 1841

My dear Faraday,

Mr. Hellyer1 informs me that you have left for Brighton which has put me out of my calculations as I was anxious to begin another Model2. I should have taken advantage of your kindness much earlier but since I saw you I have had workmen engaged in lining the chimneys of my rooms so that for upwards of a fortnight I have been unable to get into my den[.] Will you do me the great favor of giving me an idea of your intended stay at Brighton & what time you purpose remaining in London previous to your departure for the continent[.]

I begin to fear that my anxiety to do justice to the Medal has caused you much trouble, I certainly never felt so much personal desire to do justice to the undertaking, all that I wish you to do is to let me know your plans in order that I may bend my engagements to meet your convenience.

I purpose going to Althorp after the 8th of April for 5 days.

I sincerely hope you may enjoy health & happiness from your stay at Brighton & begging that Mrs. Faraday & yourself will receive our united kind wishes

Ever believe me to be | Yours very truly | W. Wyon

excuse this hurried scrawl.

William Varlo Hellyer (d.1868, age 82, GRO). Lawyer and a Manager of the Royal Institution.
See Wyon to Faraday, 29 April 1839 and 1 May 1839, letters 1168 and 1169, volume 2, for Wyon's previous work.

Please cite as “Faraday1343,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday1343