Faraday to Carlo Matteucci   11 May 18431

Ricevo all’istante la vostra lettera, e mi fo premura di rispondervi subito. Sono tormentato così profondamente dalle vertigini, presso che continue, e da dolori al capo, da dover essere brevissimo. Giudicate da voi stesso a qual punto io sia forzato a evitare ogni comunicazione cogli amici e col mondo, quando vi sarà noto che sono a Londra De la Rive e Collandu2, e che non oso recarmi domattina a vederli dal dottore Roget. Li ho veduti una sola volta, e debbo privarmi del piacere di rivederli.


I have just received your letter and I hasten to reply to you straight away. I am tormented so profoundly by almost continual vertigo and by headaches that I have to be brief. Judge for yourself to what point I am forced to avoid every communication with my friends and with the world, when you note that De la Rive and Collandu3 are in London and that I do not dare to go tomorrow morning to see them at Dr Roget's. I have seen them only once, and I must deprive myself of the pleasure of seeing them again.

Bianchi (1874), 93 dated this as 11 March 1843, but it clearly refers to the breakfast that Roget invited Faraday to on 12 May 1843. See Roget to Faraday, 10 May 1843, letter 1491, volume 3.
A mistranscription for the Swiss physicist Jean Daniel Colladon (1802–1893, DHBS).
A mistranscription for the Swiss physicist Jean Daniel Colladon (1802–1893, DHBS).


BIANCHI, Nicomede (1874) Carlo Matteucci e L’Italia del suo tempo, Turin.

Please cite as “Faraday1490a,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday1490a