Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander von Humboldt to Faraday   12 May 1844

Je sais que Vous avez conservé, Monsieur, beaucoup de bienveillance pour ma personne et mes travaux: je merite cette insigne faveur par l'admiration que je proffesse pour Vous, parceque un des premiers sur le Continent, j'ai deviné combien votre nom deviendrait grand. J'ecris ces lignes pour Vous donner un petit signe de vie, et pour Vous prier de recevoir avec bienveillance un de mes plus Spirituels amis le Docteur Carus1 (de Dresde), premier Medecin du Roi de Saxe2, celebre parmi nous par de beaux travaux de Physiologie et de la plus fine Anatomie des animaux d'un ordre inferieur. Permettez qu'il soit aupres de Vous l'interprete des sentimens de respectususe admiration que je Vous ai voués pour la vie3.

Al Humboldt

á Sans Souci, ce 12 Mai | 1844.

I know that you have held, Sir, much esteem for my person and for my work: I merit this notable favour for the admiration I profess for you, for I was amongst the first on the Continent to foresee how great your name would become. I write these lines to give you a small sign of life and to ask you to receive with kindness one of my closest friends, Dr Carus4 (from Dresden), Chief Doctor to the King of Saxony5, celebrated amongst us for his marvellous work on physiology and the finest anatomy of the animals of the lower order. Permit that he be the interpreter of the feelings of of respectful admiration that I have vowed to you for life6.

Al Humboldt

At Sans Souci, this 12 May | 1844.

Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869, ADB). German physician and naturalist.
Frederick-Augustus II (1797-1854, NDB). King of Saxony, 1836-1854.
See Carus (1846), 111-2 for his account of his meeting Faraday at the Royal Institution on 12 June 1844.
Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869, ADB). German physician and naturalist.
Frederick-Augustus II (1797-1854, NDB). King of Saxony, 1836-1854.
See Carus (1846), 111-2 for his account of his meeting Faraday at the Royal Institution on 12 June 1844.


CARUS, Carl Gustav (1846): The King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland in the Year 1844, London.

Please cite as “Faraday1584,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 28 April 2024,