Faraday to Christian Friedrich Schoenbein   25 October 1844

Royal Institution | 25 Octr. 1844

My dear Schoenbein

I write a brief note now that the York meeting1 is over (& I have returned from Durham whither I was sent immediately after by our Government to be present at an inquest on the deaths of 95 men who were killed by explosion in a coal mine) to say that I stated at the meeting your proposition or willingness to report to them next year on Ozone and I found that there was already a resolution on the books in which they had agreed to ask you to do so2. I conclude therefore that you will hear to that purport in due course and I earnestly hope that you will then have a specimen to show us. If it be possible, I have no doubt you will for I know your energy & I never yet knew such energy to fail unless nature were against it. The next years meeting is to be at Cambridge - & the time is settled which I intended to have told you but I cannot remember it & cannot remember where to look for it. My old infirmity - but you very likely have seen the date & know far more about it than I do.

I am working but I cannot get on. Work is now slow with me & one thing or another is continually occurring to prevent progress. I think I must at last entirely shut out this world for now my progress is slow & like that of the tortoise - a trifle to others stops me altogether[.]

Remember us both most kindly to all with you. I should like to see Basle again.

Ever Your faithful | M. Faraday

Address: Dr. Schoenbein | &c &c &c | Basle | on the Rhine

Of the British Association.
See Rep.Brit.Ass., 1844, xxi.

Please cite as “Faraday1633,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday1633