Mariano Lorente to Faraday   29 June 18481


Sr. Faraday.

Atendiendo esta corporacion á los profundos conocimientos que en diversos ramos de las ciencias adornan á V.S., en quien ademas concurren las circunstancias que previenen sus Estatutos, ha tenido á bien, en sesion del dia 28 del corriente mes, nombrarle Academico corresponsal estrangero; bien persuadida de que valiendose de su vasta ilustracion, y conociendo la necesidad de defundir los adelantamientos cient<ac>ificos, se servirá comunicarla todo lo que crea util para lograr el laudable objeto de su instituto.

De acuerdo de esta Academia tengo la mayor satisfacion en participarlo á V.S., reservandome dirigirle, en primera ocasion, el correspondiente diploma y los Estatutos que la rigen.

Dios guarde á V.S. muchos a<squig>nos. Madrid 29 de Junio de 1848.

El secretario perpetuo. | Mariano Lorente


Endorsed by Faraday: Received 4 July 1849

Royal Academy of Sciences

Mr. Faraday

This association being aware of the profound knowledge with which, in various branches of the sciences, your Lordship is endowed, in whom also coincide the conditions which constitute its Statutes, it has seen fit, in the meeting of the 28th of this month, to nominate you foreign Academic correspondent, well convinced that making use of your immense learning, and understanding the need to disseminate scientific advances, you will be kind enough to communicate to us all that which you believe useful in order to achieve the laudable objective of your institute.

In accordance with this Academy, I have the greatest satisfaction in informing your Lordship of this, and wait for the first opportunity to send you the corresponding diploma and the statutes which govern it.

May God protect your Lordship for many years. Madrid 29th of June 1848.

The Permanent Secretary | Mariano Lorente


Mariano Lorente (1799-1861, EUI). Spanish physician.

Please cite as “Faraday2094,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 28 April 2024,