Faraday to George Biddell Airy   9 November 18481

Royal Institution | 9 Novr. 1848

My dear Sir

Mr. Barlow gives me hopes that we shall hear you at one of our Friday Evening meetings at the coming season2 - and I hope this is true for it gives me great pleasure to think so and I venture to write my desire to hear you illustrate the great truths of science in this house because in every way I desire to aid in raising its character.

I have been working lately on the relation of crystallisation & magnetic & also electric forces & have sent two papers to the Royal Society containing I hope important results3[.] If printed I will send you copies as soon as I can.

I remember that Mrs. Airy was at one time pleased to come now & then to lectures at the Royal Institution. In the fortnight after Christmas I shall have to give Six Juvenile lectures on the chemical history of a candle4 and if I thought there was any desire on her part or the least chance that the amusement might be worth the trouble I would send I would send [sic] a note of admission for her and a Lady - but I think it is hardly likely and should be afraid to do so without encouragement[.]

Ever My dear Sir | Most Truly Yours | M. Faraday

G.B. Airy Esq | &c &c &c

This letter is black-edged. See note 1, letter 2118.
Airy did not give a Friday Evening Discourse during 1849.
Faraday (1849a, b), ERE22.
Faraday gave the 1848-9 Christmas lectures on the "Chemical History of the Candle". For the prospectus see RI MS GB 2: 50.

Please cite as “Faraday2119,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday2119