Faraday to Charles Babbage   9 November 18481

R Institution | Novr 9, 1848

My dear Babbage

Mrs. Faraday cannot call to mind any such paper in Chambers2 as that I imagined - she has only an impression that the shilling & other exhibitions of London amounts in the Season to £30 which is an estimate of the quantity rather than the productiveness. If I can learn any thing I will let you know.

You have my papers & therefore I will refer you to the numbered Paragraphs 83, &c. - 101 &c. 120 to 130, 138, 250 to 254 & especially the last 2543. They are all contained in Series 1 & 2 of the Experimental research 1831-2[.]

As to the effect of time that is further considered in a controversial letter printed first in the Annales de Chimie 1832 LI, p 4044 or reprinted in the 2nd Vol of the 8vo Edition of my researches in which latter at p 1935, the effect of time is considered as regards Arago's rotation6[.]

When I have the Magnet in action I will shew you the copper effect7[.]

Ever Truly Yours | M. Faraday

Charles Babbage Esq | &c &c &c

This letter is black-edged. See note 1, letter 2118.
Presumably a reference to Chambers's Journal.
Faraday (1832a, b), ERE1, 83, 101, 120-30, 138; ERE2, 250-4. All these paragraphs deal with Arago's rotating copper plate experiment.
Faraday (1832c).
Faraday (1844b), 193 which equates to Faraday (1840d), 360-1. Note, however, that the translations are different.
Arago (1825).


ARAGO, Dominique François Jean (1825): “L'action que les corps aimantés et ceux qui ne le sont pas exercent les uns sur les autres”, Ann. Chim., 28: 325-6.

FARADAY, Michael (1832c): “[Lettre] A M. Gay-Lussac”, Ann. Chim., 51: 404-34.

FARADAY, Michael (1840d): “On Magneto-electric Induction; in a Letter to M. Gay-Lussac”, Phil. Mag., 17: 281-9, 356-66.

FARADAY, Michael (1844b): Experimental Researches in Electricity, volume 2, London.

Please cite as “Faraday2120,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday2120