Faraday to Carlo Matteucci   5 November 1849

Royal Institution: November 5, 1849.

My dear Matteucci,-.... I have lately been working for six full weeks trying to procure results, and have indeed procured them, but they are all negative1. But the worse of it is, I find on looking back to my notes, that I ascertained all the same results experimentally eight or nine months ago2, and had entirely forgotten them. This in some degree annoys me. I do not mean the labour, but the forgetfulness, for, in fact, the labour without memory is of no use.

Still I have a thousand causes of thankfulness, and am not repining, only explaining. If I could have my own way, I would never write you a letter without some scientific point in it. As it is, the chances are they will be as barren as this one.

Yours most truly, | M. Faraday

Faraday, Diary, 25 September to 6 November 1849, 5: 10239-10412 record experiments mostly on diamagnetism.
There are no notes in Faraday, Diary, 5 covering this period.

Please cite as “Faraday2229,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday2229