Faraday to William Francis   12 February 1853

R Institution | 12 Feby 1853

My dear Sir

I send you a copy of a report on a Friday evening subject1. As the matter has not been communicated to the Royal Society or elsewhere I have drawn it up more carefully that usual & at some length. I thought perhaps you might like it for the Phil.Mag. but use your own pleasure entirely in respect of it. If you insert it you may either have it as a report or as communicated from myself - or give it any shape you please2[.]

I ought to say that though drawn up only for the use of the Members of the R Institution these reports get out & appear occasionally in the Athenaeum or elsewhere3. I do not know that it will appear any where prior to the 1st of March or even after, but I thought it right to mention the possibility.

Tyndall gave us an excellent discourse last night delivered in an admirable manner4[.]

Ever Truly Yours | M. Faraday

Dr. Francis | &c &c &c

Faraday (1853a), Friday Evening Discourse of 21 January 1853.
This was put in as a report, Phil.Mag.,1853, 5: 218-27.
See Athenaeum,19 February 1853, pp.230-1 for an account of Faraday’s Friday Evening Discourse of 21 January 1853 “Observations on the Magnetic Force”. Faraday (1853a).
Tyndall (1853), Friday Evening Discourse of 11 February 1853. For accounts of this Discourse see Tyndall, Diary, 11 February 1853, 5: 191-3, Tyndall (1868), 243-4, Eve and Creasey (1945), 39-41.


FARADAY, Michael (1853a): “Observations on the Magnetic Force”, Proc. Roy. Inst., 1: 229-38.

TYNDALL, John (1853): “On the influence of Material Aggregation upon the manifestations of Force”, Proc. Roy. Inst., 1: 254-9.

TYNDALL, John (1868): “On Faraday as a Discoverer”, Proc. Roy. Inst., 5: 199-272.

Please cite as “Faraday2636,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday2636