William Mure to Faraday   7 June 1853

Un. Services Club, | June 7/53

Dear Mr Faraday,

Mr Charteris1, who is more in the way of such curiosities than myself, has promised to procure & send to you the requisite fragment of old oil painting, in the course of tomorrow or next day early.

If your receive it, and are able to operate on it2, I hope you will favour the Committee with your attendance on Friday next3 between 12 and 3; bringing with you your various experimental specimens. If you have not yet had the requisite opportunity of performing the spirit of wine experiment, your evidence had better be postponed to a future meeting.

I go to Oxford tomorrow - but hope to be back at latest to breakfast on Friday morning.

Your very truly | Will Mure

M. Faraday Esq | &c &c

Francis Richard Charteris (1818-1914, CP under Wemyss). Conservative MP for Haddingtonshire, 1847-1883 and a member of the Select Committee on the National Gallery.
Faraday was able to operate (that is clean) on this picture on 9 June 1853. His notes on this work are in RI MS F2 J182-5. He reported this work to the Select Committee on the National Gallery on 10 June 1853. Parliamentary Papers,1852-3 <(867)> 35, p.376.
That is 10 June 1853.

Please cite as “Faraday2684,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 21 September 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday2684