Faraday to George Robert Waterhouse1   13 September 1853

Warwick Cottage | New Road | Hammersmith | Tuesday 13th Sep

My dear Sir

Many thanks for your kind note2 & the news. I conclude I shall hear officially for I presume forms are important and I wish to be correct. In fact I have taken care to keep the history of the case clear being somewhat surprized at the impediment that was at first thrown in the way

Your Very Obliged | M. Faraday

G.R. Waterhouse Esqr | &c &c &c

George Robert Waterhouse (1810–1888, ODNB). Keeper of the Mineralogical and Geological Collections at the British Museum, 1851–1857.
Not found but see Ellis to Faraday, 12 September 1853, letter 2728, volume 3. See also Faraday to Waterhouse, 14 September 1853, letter 2729, volume 3. These letters form the basis for dating this letter. Furthermore, Faraday stayed in Hammersmith during this period. See Faraday to Meryon, 20 October 1853, letter 2745, volume 3.

Please cite as “Faraday2728a,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday2728a