George Biddell Airy to Faraday   11 December 1854

Royal Observatory Greenwich | 1854 December 11

My dear Sir

The circumstances which determined my selection of the beginning of February1 (at least my preference of a time not earlier than that to an earlier time) is this - that the last few days of December and a portion of January are the only time when I can have a slight remission of labour and a little country life. Great things are guided by little ones, all the world over; and these moments of mine are ultimately determined by my children’s school holidays.

It would upset my family arrangements very much, to engage to be in London on a definite day in January: although without doubt I shall have to come up on some days yet undefined.

I would do much to accommodate my movements to your wishes, but I am confident that the price which, in this instance, must be paid for it, is greater than you yourself would desire.

I am, my dear Sir, | Yours most truly | G.B. Airy

Professor Faraday

Airy, G.B. (1855b), Friday Evening Discourse of 2 February 1855. See letter 2924.

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