Paolo Volpicelli to Faraday   6 March 1855

Illustre Sig Professore

Roma il 6 Maggio 1855

Ho ricevuto per mezzo dell’ottimo Signore Roberto Abbott1 la sua pregievolissima del 9 Novembre 1854; e debbo ringraziare sommamente la S.V. Chiarissima, per avermi procurata la conoscenza di questo signore inglese, pieno di amabilità e d’istruzione. Avrei voluto fare molto per lui; ma egli ha ben poco profittato di me: questo è il solo difetto del carissimo Sig Abbott, il quale ha visitato con molta intelligenza tutto quello che vi ha in Roma, e ne’ suoi intorni d’interessante, come appunto sogliono praticare gl’inglesi; a preferenza di ogni altra nazione. Io spero che il sig Abbott si ricorderà di me, e che vorrà comandarmi nell’avvenire.

Spero altresi, illustre signor professore, che vorrà ella onorarmi più presso onorarmi [sic] de’ suoi comandi; e che quando qualche suo conoscente si porterà in Roma, vorrà diriggermelo, affinchè io possa avere la piacevole soddisfazione, di fare qualche piccola cosa per lei, e pe’ suoi amici.

Gradisca, la prego, i sentimenti dell’altissima stima, del profondo ossequio, e della più sincera amicizia, coi quali ho l’onore profferirmi | Di V.S. Chiarissima | l’um[ilissimo] ed obb[ientissimo] | Servo Paolo Volpicelli

(al chiarissimo Sig Prof Cavr Faraday)TRANSLATION

Illustrious Professor,

Rome, 6 March 1855

I have received through the excellent Mr Robert Abbott2 your most kind letter of 9 November 1854; and I must thank you most kindly for having procured for me the acquaintance of this most amiable and most educated English gentleman. I would have liked to do a lot for him, but he took very little advantage of me: this was the only defect in dear Mr Abbott, who visited everything that there is of interest in and around Rome, with the sort of intelligence that the English, more than any other nation, know how. I hope that Mr Abbott will remember me and that he will want to take advantage of me in the future.

I also hope, illustrious professor, that you will wish to honour me again, honour me with your commands; and that when some acquaintance of yours comes to Rome, that you will send him to me, so that I can have the pleasurable satisfaction of doing some little thing for you, and for your friends.

Please accept, I beg you, the sentiments of the highest esteem, of the deepest homage, and of the sincerest friendship, with which I have the honour of being | of you, Dear Sir, the most humble and most obedient | Servant | Paolo Volpicelli

Possibly Arthur Robert Abbott (1833-1892, DQB). Teacher who was the son of Faraday’s old friend Benjamin Abbott (1793-1870, DQB).
Possibly Arthur Robert Abbott (1833-1892, DQB). Teacher who was the son of Faraday’s old friend Benjamin Abbott (1793-1870, DQB).

Please cite as “Faraday2949,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 27 April 2024,