Benjamin Humphrey Smart to Faraday   13 August 18551

[Athenaeum letterhead] | Athenaeum Aug. 13,1855

My dear Sir,

Though you have not a more hearty well-wisher than myself, and I securely count on your friendly feelings, yet as we have both something else to do than writing complementary letters, our correspondence is infrequent. For my part, I cannot recollect ever having taken up any pen to write to you, but when I had a favour to ask; and this indeed is the cause of my writing now.

Accompanying this, you will find a slip having on it the title, and the table of contents, of a very little work of mine2 now going through the press. What I have to beg of you is this - that you would allow me to place the following inscription at its beginning in lieu of a preface:

To Michael Faraday Esq. | Hon. D.C.L.Oxf. F.R.S.; F.G.S. Prof. Chem. R.I. | &c &c &c

This Essay | though in a department of Philosophy distinct | from that in which his name stands illustrious, | yet being attempted to be carried out in the | inductive spirit which his example eminently recommends, | is, | with vivid recollections of early friendship and continued kindness, | affectionately inscribed.


If you grant me this favour, pray let me know whether I have placed you titles accurately; and believe me

My dear Sir | Sincerely and faithfully | Yours | B.H. Smart

To Michl Faraday Esqr. | &c &c &c | Royal Institution

Benjamin Humphrey Smart (1786-1872, DNB). Writer and teacher on elocution.
Smart (1855) dedicated as below to Faraday.


SMART, Benjamin Humphrey (1855): Thought and Language: An essay having in view the revival, correction, and exclusive establishment of Locke's Philosophy, London.

Please cite as “Faraday3016,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 3 May 2024,