Jacob Herbert to Faraday   11 October 1855

Trinity House, London, | 11th October, 1855.


Messrs. Chance, Brothers, of Birmingham, being about to supply this Corporation with a Catadioptric Apparatus for a fixed Light of the First Order, to illuminate 315˚ of the Horizon,- I am directed to acquaint you therewith and to transmit to you the enclosed Copy of a Letter from them1 on that subject,- and, at the same time to signify the request of the Elder Brethren that you will, at such time as shall be perfectly convenient to yourself, visit the Factory of Messrs. Chance at Birmingham for the purpose of examining the said Apparatus, and that you will report your opinion thereof, for the Board’s information2.

I am farther to request that you will communicate with Messrs. Chance agreeably to their wish, as expressed in the concluding paragraph of their Letter.-

I am, | Sir, | Your most humble Servant | J. Herbert

Michael Faraday Esq: D.C.L., F.R.S.

Chance to Berthon, 8 October 1855, GL MS 30108/2/66.
See Trinity House By Board, 9 October 1855, GL MS 30010/39, p.548 for the decision to ask Faraday to make this visit.

Please cite as “Faraday3028,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday3028