Peter Henry Berthon to Faraday   19 February 1857

Trinity House, London, E.C. | 19th February, 1857


The Board has had reference to the inferior quality of the Samples of Oil which have been submitted to them during the past year, and deeming it expedient to review the method that has been heretofore pursued in testing the quality of Oil for their Light Houses, (the Contract for the annual supply of which will be entered into before long) have directed me to request you will be so good as to give this subject your attention, and advise them as to the arrangements you would recommend them to adopt for practically testing the quality of each Cask of Oil supplied by the manufacturer,- together with the standard test you would recommend for their adoption.-

I am, | Sir, | Your most humble Servant, | P.H. Berthon

Professor Faraday. D.C.L. | &c &c &c

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