Peter Henry Berthon to Faraday   8 April 1857

Trinity House, London, E.C. | 8th April, 1857.


I am directed by the Elder Brethren to convey to you their Thanks for your Report on the result of the examination of the several Lights exhibited at Blackwall on the Evening of Tuesday the 31st ultimo1.- and with reference to the Observations you have offered on the apparatus which it is at present intended to fit up at the Light House on the Bishop Rock,- I am to request you will favor the Elder Brethren with your opinion, whether a Light exhibited with that Apparatus would under ordinary circumstances, be found as effective for the purpose of illuminating a widely extended Sphere as with one composed of Lenses of the usual magnitude, or be as powerful and distinctive as one exhibited upon the ordinary system with Argand Lamps and Parabolic Reflectors.-

I am, | Sir, | Your most humble Servant, | P.H. Berthon

Professor Faraday | &c &c &c

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