Peter Henry Berthon to Faraday   9 May 1857

Trinity House | 9th May 1857


Enclosed I transmit Copy of a Communication from Messrs Chance Brothers & Co.1 in respect to a Revolving Dioptric Light Apparatus in course of manufacture by them, and have to signify the request of the Elder Brethren that you will examine the Apparatus as early as may be convenient after it is reported ready for your inspection, and favor the Board with a Report of the result.

I am | Sir | Your very obedient Servant | P.H. Berthon

M. Faraday Esq.

Taylor to Berthon, 5 May 1857, GL MS 30108/2/75.

Please cite as “Faraday3283,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,