Faraday to John Fretcheville Dykes Donnelly   15 July 18591

[Royal Institution embossed letterhead] | Green | Hampton Court | Friday 15, July / 59

My dear Sir

I fear we are getting into confusion with our triangular correspondence[.] Dr Tyndall says next Monday Tuesday or Wednesday2 at 11 P.M. I had engaged the beginning of next week counting upon our meeting either today or tomorrow[.] To settle matters let us say next Wednesday 2 o’clk P.M. Will you summon Committee for that day & hour?3

Ever Truly Yours | M. Faraday

Captn. Conolly [sic] RE | &c &c &c

John Fretcheville Dykes Donnelly (1834-1902, ODNB). Captain in the Royal Engineers and an official of the Department of Science and Art at South Kensington. This identification is made on the basis that there was no Captain Conolly (or Connolly) in the Royal Engineers at this time and on Donnelly’s position at the Department of Science and Art.
That is 18, 19 or 20 July 1859.
This refers to a meeting of the Commission established by the Department of Science and Art to consider the lighting of galleries by gas (see note 1, letter 3602). Both Faraday and Tyndall were members. The report of the Commission, dated 20 July 1859, is in Parliamentary Papers, 1859 2nd session (106) XV.

Please cite as “Faraday3618,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 21 September 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday3618