Faraday to Benjamin Silliman   27 March 18601

Royal Institution | 27 March 1860

My dear Dr. Silliman

I received your pleasant letter and immediately forwarded its companions. As to the one to our Secretary2 I have not the least doubt that your wishes will be at once attended to. With respect to that for the Royal Society3 I will do all I can but I have no power or influence there. I know they have certain regulations but do not know what they are & I have not been on the Council for very many years. Work formerly made me decline & now a bad memory keeps me separate from every occupation I can avoid - but I will do all I can in the matter. You ought to have the Transactions[.]

I happened to be in the North when that wonderful Aurora you speak of occurred4 & saw it there night after night. What a pity some mighty intellect could not see all that was happening electrically in both hemispheres & in all parts of the world at that time. I hope some powerful mind will at all events sum up the evidence & give us a combined result and such a view of the whole as the evidence will justify[.] What a state the whole globe must have been in?

Give my kindest & sincerest respects to Your father5. It delights me to hear of him & especially to find that he is in the midst of pleasant thoughts & affections. I dare say he is not so old as I am though 10 or 11 years my Senior - but I forget data, faces, events, all things but I am very cheerful & very well. What does a man want more[.]

By the bye I want something less than you give me[.] I am not Sir Michael[.] Many years ago I had to decide upon the unfitness of such a thing[.]

Ever My dear Sir | Most truly Yours | M. Faraday

Dr B. Silliman Junr | &c &c &c

Benjamin Silliman (1816-1885, DSB). Professor of Chemistry at Yale, 1854-1870 and an editor of Am.J.Sci.
John Barlow.
Silliman to Council of the Royal Society, 6 March 1860, RS MS MC6.61 which requested back volumes of the Phil.Trans.from 1850. The request was approved by the Council of the Royal Society. RS CM, 19 April 1860, 3: 57.
See letter 3686 and Ann.Reg.,1859, 101: 128-9 for this aurora which occurred on 28-29 August 1859.
Benjamin Silliman (1779-1864, DSB). Professor of Chemistry at Yale, 1813-1854. Founder and editor of Am.J.Sci.

Please cite as “Faraday3752,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday3752