Peter Henry Berthon to Faraday   10 July 1860

Trinity House London. | 10th July 1860


I beg to transmit to you the accompanying copy of a Letter from the Secretary to the Royal Commission for Lights1 &c: in relation to the adjustment of the Dioptric Apparatus in Light Houses and am to express the Hope of the Elder Brethren that it may suit your arrangements to attend them on Thursday2 next at ½ past one ‘o’clock in relation thereto.

I am, | Sir, | Your most humble Servant, | P.H. Berthon

Professor Faraday F.R.S. | &c &c &c

Endorsed by Faraday: Went &c &c

John Francis Campbell.
That is 12 July 1860.

Please cite as “Faraday3800,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 10 May 2024,