Edward Sabine to Faraday   6 December 1860

The Royal Society, | Burlington House, | W. | 6. Dec. 1860.

Dear Faraday

The officers of the Royal Society would like very much to consult with you regarding the suggestion you threw out of increasing the interest of our evening meetings by Experiments. Would it be convenient to you to meet us on Friday the 14 any time (your own time) between 12 and 2? at Burlington House1

Sincerely Yours | Edward Sabine

See Faraday’s memo, dated 14 December 1860, RS MS MM 14.29 where he suggested various alterations to the conduct of meetings including experimental illustrations.

Please cite as “Faraday3925,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday3925