James Emerson Tennent to Faraday   17 June 1861

Board of Trade June 17. 1861

My dear Sir

I have recd. your letter of the 14th1. - but as Mr. Homes2 wife3 is dying; the probability is that the meeting at which I wished you to be present on the 24th may not take place. From the same cause, I am unable to see Mr Home previously, or to make the inquiries of himself necessary to satisfy the queries of your letter[.]

The idea of your going originated exclusively with myself - After describing to you, last year the phenomena which took place in my presence, I said how much it would gratify me, if I had again the opportunity of witnessing them in company with you who were so competent to observe & investigate - & judging from your answer that you would not object, provided the conditions of the seance interposed no obstacle to thorough scrutiny; I afterwards ascertained, that the Lady at whose house I had seen Mr Home, would facilitate your presence in every way; & I ventured to ask you as a gratification to myself, to accompany me - Your desire to comply, I heartily appreciate as a compliment to myself - but, I feel that under the circumstances I have alluded to: it is better for me to forego my wish; & with a grateful sense of your kindness I hasten to release you from one personal arrangement. In every communication that I had with Mr Homes friends on this matter, I had the amplest assurances that every facility, would have been afforded to you, for observation & the closest scrutiny[.]

Ever Faithfully | J. Emerson Tennent

Daniel Dunglas Home (1833–1886, ODNB). Scottish born American spiritualist medium.
Alexandrina Home, née de Kroll (d.1862, age 21, ODNB under D.D. Home). Married Home in St Petersburg in 1858.

Please cite as “Faraday4022,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 4 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4022