Faraday to Benjamin Vincent   13 December 1861

Brighton | Friday 13, Decr. 61

My dear friend

I hope to be at the R.I by about 4 oclk tomorrow. Will you take tea with me about 5 oclk or ½ past 5. I trust to find you well & all right.

I send a little note for Susan1. Please send it up to her for me[.]

Yours Ever | M. Faraday

Mr Vincent

I have not yet congratulated you on the article in the Times on Your book2. You deserved it & I am glad you have it. I think it well done | M. Faraday

Charity Susan Brancen (d.1882, age 79, GRO). Recorded in the 1851, 1861 and 1871 census as working for the Faradays as cook. TNA HO107/1476, f.64, p.35, RG9/44, f.38, p.7 and RG10/253, f.21, p.36. Previously in service at Winfarthing near Old Buckenham (1841 census, TNA HO107/758/4, p.2), none of the ages given for her in the records agree.
Vincent and Haydn (1861) reviewed in The Times, 30 November 1861, p.7, col.c.

Please cite as “Faraday4113,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4113