James Timmins Chance to Faraday   15 February 1862

Handsworth, Birmingham | 15 Feb. 1862

My dear Mr. Faraday,

I enclose such remarks on the Specification as occur to me1.

I will send you by Monday’s post2 a tracing of a 1st order apparatus, shewing the frame, as well as glass:- it is a slight modification of the Smalls’ apparatus.

A drawing of the same is forwarded today to the Trinity House, in accordance with a promise made some time ago.

Perhaps you will favor me with a sight of the draft specification, when settled by you, previously to the final printing.

Handsworth is my place of residence:- at one time the address Hamstead suited better the postal arrangements; but recent changes have cancelled that address as of any use; so I resume the proper address – vizl. Handsworth.

Yours very truly | J.T. Chance

These are in LMA CLC/526/MS 30108/4/125. See letter 4126 and note 1.
That is 17 February 1862.

Please cite as “Faraday4134,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 8 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4134