Faraday to Peter Henry Berthon   28 February 1862

Royal Institution | 28 Feby 1862


I received from you four samples of White lead1 labled [sic] as follows

No. I Grace & Co2

II. Pilcher & Son

III. Pontifex & Wood

IV. S & W. Tudor

The oil in these was not very different No. IV contained the least being 6.8 per cent. No. II the most 9.4 per cent[.]

Nos. III & IV contained the least impurity & what little there was was no doubt accidental - No. II contained 0.4 per cent which was not white lead - nor Sulphate of baryta - No. I however contained 1.8 per cent of Sulphate of baryta or heavy earth - it may have been accidental but if so I think must have crept in from mills used to grind this substance3[.]

I am Sir | Your Very Obedient Servant | M. Faraday

P.H. Berthon Esqr | &c &c &c

Henry Grace. White lead supplier of Hollybush Gardens, Bethnal Green Road. POD.
This letter was read to Trinity House Wardens Committee, 4 March 1862, LMA CLC/526/MS 30025/30, p.10. The tender from Pontifex and Wood was accepted.

Please cite as “Faraday4145,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4145